Sponsor CascadiaJS

Amazon logo at CascadiaJS 2018

The most important thing we do as a conference is bring developers together to meet, build relationships and learn from one another. Many of the attendees who come to CascadiaJS do so because they are trying to learn new skills, become better engineers, build their professional network or find a new job.

For companies that are focused on , or , we have sponsorships that can help you achieve your goals.

What We Do

CascadiaJS was started in 2012 by web developers in the Pacific Northwest to better connect and celebrate the amazing work of communities across the region. Last year we had 560+ developers enjoy talks from 36 amazing speakers who covered everything from JavaScript to the distributed web to building healthy engineering teams.

Here are a few data points on the reach of our conference:

  • YouTube: 1,200+ subscribers and 8k+ views (last 12 months)
  • Twitch: 2,190 viewers during the 2019 live stream
  • Twitter: 3321 followers and 220k impressions (last 28 days)
  • Expected number of attendees for the 2020 online event = 600-700

Check out our testimonial page for more examples of what our speakers and attendees think of CascadiaJS!

Contact us at sponsorships@cascadiajs.com if you'd like to learn more!

Virtual Expo Hall

We will be using a platform called Remo for the Career Night (Aug 31) and the portion of the conference (Sept 1-2) where attendees are networking and interacting with sponsors.

Remo floor view

Remo table view

Remo video chat

Sponsors will be able to:

  • Embed their logo on a floor of the Expo Hall.
  • Attach an offer or call-to-action for attendees.
  • Set-up and staff a table where they can video chat with attendees.

Platinum Tier

Live Stream - $10k SOLD OUT

The highest level of visibility that we offer! Your company will be considered the foundational partner in executing the on-line edition of CascadiaJS 2020. We would not be in a position to build-out the A/V and live streaming support to pull this off without you.

You will be the sole sponsor of the Live Stream and your logo and copy will most prominent on the Live Stream webpage. We will also work with you to customize this sponsorship to suit your needs, so please consider the benefits above as a starting point.

Gold Tier

Graphic Recordings - $6k SOLD OUT

We are going to work with Mind's Eye Creative to visualize all 24 of our talks in real-time. Your company's logo will be included on each of the sketches that are produced, which will be distributed to the speakers and all of our attendees.

graphic recording of a talk example

(view large image)

Virtual Booth - $5k 3 SOLD 1 available

We will create a "virtual booth" for your company at CascadiaJS. This will include: an Expo Hall logo placement, an Expo Hall table, a dedicated channel in Slack to engage with attendees and an invitation to address the audience during the conference.

Workshop - $5k SOLD OUT

We will help you run a custom online workshop during the conference. There are four slot available (morning/afternoon on each of the two days) and we will work with you to make sure the workshop is of interest to our community and a valuable addition to the conference.

Hiring Booth - $4k 2 SOLD 8 available

This is perfect if you have open jobs that you're hiring for. We will help you post jobs, connect you with attendees who are interested in learning more and set-up 30 minute "coffee chats" during the conference. We will set you up with a table at our Career Night on August 31st and a table in the Expo Hall for the duration of the conference.

Silver Tier

Music Night - $3k 1 available

Following Day One of CascadiaJS, we are going to host an online Virtual Concert with live music! Your company will be the sole sponsor of this performance.

Karoke - $3k 1 available

Closing out Day Two of CascadiaJS, as tradition demands, we will host a Virtual Karaoke Party. We are bringing in Voicebox Karaoke to run this experience and your company will be the sole sponsor of this amazing event!

Captioning - $3k SOLD OUT

We will be live captioning all talks. Your logo will be included on the site we use to display the captioning as well as the videos that we produce and upload to YouTube.

Community Tier

Scholarships - $1k SOLD OUT

Help us fund scholarships to CascadiaJS this year!